Download App nowDedicated & striving to incubate the additional hospitality skills in the budding hoteliers with utmost qualitative learning methods, which impacts their entire hotel career...
One of the top industry where Skill is utmost respected and valued...The employees of the hotel industry work hard day and night to support the workplaces, we are committed to add on value and uplift their career by adding more skills by feasible learning methods in a most affordable prices.
What ever degree you have completed, what ever job you might be doing, but the desire to learn cooking methodologies or service patterns or the drink equations...never ends... The one stop hunt is here, YOU DESIRE...WE FULFILL through our digital learning platform
Hospitality Gurukul on a mission to empower and reach quality hospitality education to all hotel management students, all hoteliers and everyone to learn in a most affordable price...Our first digital course is Fruit and Vegetable Carving Certification Master Class by Telugu Celebrity Chef RAJU GARU..
Hospitality Gurukul on a mission to empower woman entrepreneurship and contribute to indian hospitality industry